Scottish Dermatology Nursing Society (SDNS)

The SDNS was established in 2003 to offer a specialty group for nurses and health care professionals with an interest in dermatology. The society has been established with the support of the British Dermatological Nursing group (BDNG) and the Scottish Dermatological Society (SDS)


British Dermatology Nursing Group (BDNG)

Scottish Representatives: Jane Moran & Caroline Riddon

‘A Route to Enhanced Competence in Dermatology Nursing’, a document addressing the needs of nurses developing expertise within dermatological services can be obtained from NES Publications Department, 22 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1NT (price £5.00).



Phototherapy/PUVA Users Group - Nurses Study Day

For further information and registration forms please contact:

Maureen Hughes, Secretary to Professor James Ferguson, Photobiology Unit,
Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee, DD1 9SY.
Tel. 01382 632240; Fax. 01382 646047

Dermatology for Health Professionals: Foundation Module (NUR204)
University of Stirling; for further details please contact:, or student admissions on: / 01786 466336

Scottish Dermatological Nursing Society - annual meeting - details of the next meeting will be posted here

Application/registration forms please contact Sandra MacDonald (